

Implementations of select OEIS integer sequences in JavaScript, portially inspired by intseq.

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yarn add jisg
import {A000045} from 'jisg'
const generator = A000045()
for (let i=0; i<43; i++) {
const {A000045} = require('jisg')
for (const i of A000045()) {
<script src="https://unpkg.com/jisg"></script>
const generator = jisg.A000045()
function() => {
', '

Fibonacci Sequence (A000045)

Chart of A000045 with ECharts

Pascal's Triangle (A007318)

Try with RunKit


  • yarn install: Install dependencies
  • yarn dev: Run tests when source files are changed
  • yarn lint --fix: Lint with ESLint
  • yarn test: Run tests
  • yarn doc: Build documentation
  • yarn build: Production build
  • yarn prepublish: Prepare for publishing
  • yarn publish: Publish to npm
  1. Fork and clone your repo locally.
  2. Create the source file in "src/oeis/" using the OEIS number (eg. "A000001.ts") and add an entry in index.ts.
  3. Implement the generator so that the test case passes (eg. yarn test -t A000001). If the test takes longer than 10 seconds, optimize or remove integers from the end of the sample until it takes less than 10 seconds.
  4. Check code style and test coverage with yarn prepublish and fix any issues.
  5. Push to GitHub and submit a pull request.