Source: rational.js

 * rational.js - Javascript tools and libraries based around rational numbers.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Dylan Ferris
 * This file is part of rational.js.
 * rational.js is free software: you may redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * rational.js is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with rational.js.  If not, see <>.

// for nodejs
if (typeof rat !== 'object') {
  var rat = require('../src/rat.js').rat;

 * Chainable wrapper functions for rat.js
 * @class Rational Number (Chainable)
 * @name rational
 * @requires rat
var rational = function(numerator, denominator) {
	//if ('rational'||'rational') return rational.divide(numerator, denominator);
	this.a = rat.fromValues(parseInt(numerator), parseInt(denominator));

 * Expresses the rational in a string as "numerator/denominator"
 * @returns {String} numerator/denominator
rational.prototype.toString = function() {
	return rat.str(this.a);

 * Returns a rational from an array of integers representing a continued fraction
 * @param {Integer} maximum number of iterations
 * @returns {Array} integers of the continued fraction
rational.prototype.toContinuedFraction = function(loop_limit) {
	return rat.toContinuedFraction(this.a, loop_limit);

 * Inverts a rational
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.prototype.invert = function() {
	return rat.invert(this.a);

 * Alias for {@link rational.invert}
 * @function
rational.prototype.reciprocal = rational.prototype.invert;

 * Add
 * @param {rational} b the second operand
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.prototype.add = function(b) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.add(out, this.a, b.a);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Alias for {@link rational.add}
 * @function
 */ = rational.prototype.add;

 * Subtract
 * @param {rat} b the second operand
 * @returns {rat} out
rational.prototype.subtract = function(b) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.sub(out, this.a, b.a);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Alias for {@link rational.subtract}
 * @function
rational.prototype.sub = rational.prototype.subtract;

 * Alias for {@link rational.subtract}
 * @function
rational.prototype.minus = rational.prototype.subtract;

 * Multiplies two rationals
 * @param {rational} b the second operand
 * @returns {rat} out
rational.prototype.multiply = function(b) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.mul(out, this.a, b.a);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Alias for {@link rational.prototype.multiply}
 * @function
rational.prototype.mul = rational.prototype.multiply;

 * Alias for {@link rational.prototype.multiply}
 * @function
rational.prototype.times = rational.prototype.multiply;

 * Mediant of two rationals
 * @param {rat} b the second operand
 * @returns {rat} out the sum of the numerators divided by the sum of the denominators
rational.prototype.mediant = function(b) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.mediant(out, this.a, b.a);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Divides two rationals
 * @param {rational} b the second operand
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.prototype.divide = function(b) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.div(out, this.a, b.a);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Alias for {@link rational.divide}
 * @function
rational.prototype.div = rational.prototype.divide;

 * Alias for {@link rational.divide}
 * @function
rational.prototype.divided_by = rational.prototype.divide;

 * Raises a rat to an integer exponent
 * @param {Integer} p power to raise the number by
 * @returns {rat} out
rational.prototype.power = function(p) {
	var out = rat.create();
	rat.pow(out, this.a, p);
	return new rational(out[0], out[1]);

 * Alias for {@link rational.power}
 * @function
rational.prototype.pow = rational.prototype.power;

 * Returns a string with the fraction in various formats
 * @returns {String} string various conversions
rational.prototype.dump = function() {
	return rat.dump(this.a);

 * Returns a rat array from a rational
 * @returns {rat} out
rational.prototype.toRat = function () {
	return rat.clone(this.a);

 * Returns a decimal approximation
 * @returns {Number} out
rational.prototype.toDecimal = function () {
	return rat.toDecimal(this.a);

 * Returns a rational from a rat array
 * @param {rat} rat
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.fromRat = function (a) {
	var r = new rational();
	r.a[0] = a[0];
	r.a[1] = a[1];
	return r;

 * Returns a rational from an integer
 * @param {Integer} signed integer
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.fromInteger = function (a) {
	return rational.fromRat(rat.fromInteger(a));

 * Returns a rational from the inverse of an integer
 * @param {Integer} signed integer
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.fromIntegerInverse = function (a) {
	return rational.fromRat(rat.fromIntegerInverse(a));

 * Returns a rational from a decimal number
 * @param {Number} a decimal number
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.fromDecimal = function (a) {
	return rational.fromRat(rat.fromDecimal(a));

 * Returns a rational from an array of integers representing a continued fraction
 * @param {Array} integers of the continued fraction
 * @returns {rational} out
rational.fromContinuedFraction = function(cf) {
	return rational.fromRat(rat.fromContinuedFraction(rat.create(), cf));

if(typeof(exports) !== 'undefined') {
	exports.rational = rational;